Friday, January 7, 2011

Some Good People In The World

There are so many things on the news about theft, and everyone having money problems, and the state the economy is in now days. People cant find jobs and what not.

I am one of those people that cant find a job, so money is pretty tight in our household. Well yesterday I had to go to the store to get toilet paper, and I asked hubby for his debit card. I left the house, went to the mail box, and realized I had forgot my wallet at home. So I turn around to go to the house and get it. By the time I get back to the car I realized... debit card no where to be found. I knew daniel as going to be really mad so I traced my steps back and forth before I went in the house to search there. As soon as I walk in the house it went a little something like this:
Kendahl: umm babe are you in a good mood?
Daniel: yes babe why?
Kendahl: im really really sorry but i lost your debit card!
Daniel: .....
Kendahl: (thought) I know he is mad when he dont say anything
Kendahl: Im sorry
Daniel: ok
Kendahl: ok???
Daniel: what else can I say? Im upset.

^ thats how it went. So i go and search and search and search and finally I go to check around the mail box. i look, nothing, so my search continues everywhere I had been in the house, out, to the carand from, to the mail box and back. Just to my luck, I check the mail box place one more time, and it just so happens we have this little bulletin board that you can post unwanted mail, flyers ect. and what do I see posted on it? Daniels debit card. So that goes to show you that there are some good people still in the world today :) 

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