Thursday, January 20, 2011

Guys These Days... UGHHH!!!

Whatever happened to the decent guys thatk used to see you and ask you on a date, and bring you flowers, and do sweet things for you, and prove their love, and beg for the dates cause your just that irresistable...?

Now days so many girls have "baby daddy's" (including myself). These guys now days, instead of asking you on date, they come up to you just wanting some booty. What ever happen to a girl was like flower, and your supposed to treat her like a queen? These guys need to get their minds right and start thinking with the head on their shoulders... ask me out, bring me flowers, stand at my window and sing a love song, or start to pull out the driveway, and realize you dont want to go, and get out in the rain and just kiss me... NOOOOOO its all about the action... well i got news for ya... (BOO) (T)  (LOCK) (oposite of ^)... for those of you that cant figure that out... BOOTY LOCK DOWN!!!

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