Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Like A Yapping Chiuaua That You Just Want To Slap To The Side

I hate people that talk and talk and talk, and have no idea what they are talking about but they sure think they are just the brains of what they are talking about.

Daniel has this friend, and just about everytime he comes over he talks about shit, and when i say something he is like "no.. blah blah blah" and he thinks he knows exactly what he is talking about and no one can tell him anything. It is the most annoying thing ever. Everything that he does annoys the hell out of me. When he eats, he smacks, and breaths like super super heavy ughhh. That man annoys the hell out of me sooooo bad. There is atleast one thing about every single one of daniels friends that gets on my damn nerves. Its from the way they walk (like they got something stuck in their ass), they way they look (some like huge rollie poleys and others like talk skinny crack heads), and the way they dress (one word... grungy)... but i promise you he has this ONE friend that tops them all... EVERYTHING that man does drives me bonkers! Sometimes and i do mean sometimes, he can be ok, but most of the time just looking at the man makes me want to slap the shit out of him!

1 comment:

  1. bahaha o man thomas has a friend like that. I thought it was just me so when I saw him at the mall I asked a friend to look at him and tell me what she thought and was like, Umm nasty. lol. He just oozes gross.
